Teknik Cara Bikin Duit Di Internet

Posted by Unknown | Tuesday, May 31, 2011 | 0 comments »

Bikin duit di internet merupakan aktivitas yang bisa dilakukan oleh siapa saja dan di mana saja asalkan konek dengan internet. Kenapa harus di internet?? Sebagian orang lebih memilih bisnis atau bikin duit di internet karena boleh dibilang di internet jaringannya lebih luas dan lebih effisien. Orang bisa menjual produknya sampe ke luar negeri melalui internet, karena bukan hanya satu negara yang bisa mengakses internet melainkan seluruh negara bisa mengakses internet selama jaringan internet itu masih ada, sehingga memungkinkan pedagang di Indonesia bisa menjual produknya ke Prancis begitu juga sebaliknya.

Nah....Kali ini saya akan menulis sedikitnya tentang teknik cara bikin duit di internet yang tidak membutuhkan banyak modal terkecuali waktu, kesabaran, sedikit hobi, kemampuan menulis dan juga akses internet. Pada postingan sebelumnya yang berjudul Manfaat NgeBlog saya sudah menulis salah satu manfaat bikin blog yaitu bisa didaftarkan ke Google AdSense. Apa hubungannya blog, Google AdSense, dengan bikin duit di internet?? Ya ada hubungannya dong.... Karena salah satu syarat untuk daftar ke Google AdSense adalah kita harus punya web/blog yang akan didaftarkannya, dengan daftar di Google AdSense lah maka kita akan mendapatkan duit, tapi itu pun kalo web/blog kita "diterima" oleh pihak Google, Lho.... kok ada pernyataan "diterima", memangnya ada juga yang nggak diterima yah?? Ya.... banyak juga yang nggak diterima oleh pihak Google, oleh karenanya saya akan menuliskan cara atau tekniknya agar rekan-rekan Blogger yang belum tau caranya dan berniat untuk daftar di Google AdSense dapat diterima.

Baik.... kita langsung aja deh, ada yang udah gak sabaran tuh....
  1. Yang pertama kali tentunya untuk bikin duit di internet adalah kita harus punya Komputer atau PC yang terhubung ke internet, sebetulnya tidak harus mutlak punya PC sendiri, pinjem juga gak apa-apa kok, xixixixi.... artinya kita bisa melakukannya di warnet, yang penting PC yang terhubung ke internet. Kan ceritanya bikin duit di internet, makanya PC harus terhubung ke internet, kalo ceritanya bikin duit di warung, brati PC pun harus terhubung ke warung??? Wakakaka...... ya enggak juga kalleee.... Lanjuts......
  2. Karena untuk dapat daftar ke Google AdSense adalah kita harus punya web/blog dulu maka langkah berikutnya yaitu kita harus bikin yang namanya Blog dulu. Untuk rekan-rekan Blogger mungkin sudah pada tau bagaimana caranya bikin Blog, bagi yang belum tau caranya banyak kok tutorial-tutorial bikin Blog, tinggal searching aja.
  3. Langkah yang ke-tiga, masih seputar Blog. Untuk rekan-rekan Blogger yang udah pada bisa bikin Blog masih ada satu tugas lagi, yaitu bikin Blog yang berbahasa Inggris, ya otomatis artikelnya pun harus bahasa Inggris pula, tidak gampang memang, tapi jangan nyerah begitu saja, banyak jalan menuju Roma, banyak cara untuk mendapatkan artikel bahasa Inggris, rekan-rekan bisa nyontek sana-sini, bisa juga ngambil dari majalah atau koran yang berbahasa Inggris, dll. Tapi kalo boleh saya sarankan, lebih baik bikin artikelnya yang hasil karya sendiri, biar hasilnya pun lebih puas. Kenapa sih harus bahasa inggris? Itu pertanyaan yang sering muncul. Sebetulnya untuk Blog yang berbahasa Indonesia pun sudah bisa diterima oleh Google AdSense, tapi hal itu sangat disayangkan apabila nantinya diterima oleh pihak Google. Diterima kok sayang?? ya iya lah..... Karena untuk akun Google AdSense berbahasa Indonesia hanya bisa menampilkan AdSense For Search saja, rekan-rekan gak bisa menampilkan AdSense For Content, dll. Kan sayang sekali kalo dapat akun Google AdSense tapi tidak dapat memaksimalkan potensi pendapatan yang seharusnya bisa rekan-rekan peroleh. Berapakah artikel bahasa Inggris yang harus diposting?? Pengalaman penulis memposting 7 artikel. Sebetulnya dengan 4 artikel pun sudah cukup, akan tetapi lebih banyak itu lebih baik, karena dengan memposting banyak artikel kemungkinan untuk diterimanya besar. Penulis menyarankan 7 - 10 artikel, 1 hari cukup 1 artikel, kalo 7 artikel brati butuh waktu 7 hari, tidak usah tergesa-gesa bikin 7 atau 10 artikel dalam waktu 1 hari, karena hasilnya akan sia-sia saja, hal itu disebabkan karena mesin/robot pemeriksa yang dikirim oleh Google hanya mampu membaca isi 1 artikel dalam 1 waktu (tanggalnya sama), jadi.... rugi dong kalo udah nulis 7 artikel yang diusulkan tapi cuma 1 yang diterima, artinya kita sudah tidak lulus berkas. Kuncinya adalah sabar, sabar, dan sabar.......
  4. Selanjutnya, karena tujuan kita adalah agar diterima Google AdSense, maka sebaiknya kita memilih template (Theme) untuk blog kita yang ramah AdSense juga. Pilih saja template yang rekomendasikan "Ads Theme Blogger". Silahkan rekan-rekan searching saja dan masukkan keyword nya "Ads Theme Blogger".
  5. Setelah Blog sudah jadi berikut artikel bahasa inggrisnya, kita jangan dulu buru-buru daftar ke Google AdSense. Kita perhatikan, kita teliti lagi, dan kita rapihkan lagi Blognya, maka dari itu kita butuh kesabaran agar semuanya bisa maksimal. Setelah kita teliti dan dirasa-rasa semuanya sudah beres barulah kita daftarkan.
  6. Ada satu lagi sebelum daftar ke Google AdSense. Untuk bisa daftar ke Google AdSense, rekan-rekan harus punya e-mail di gmail dulu, jadi silahkan bagi yang belum punya e-mail di gmail daftar dulu di www.gmail.com
  7. Setelah daftar, tunggu beberapa hari, pengalaman penulis cuma nunggu sehari. Sambil menunggu pengumuman dari Google AdSense sebaiknya Blog kita isi lagi dengan artikel-artikel bahasa Inggris, pilih topiknya yang menarik. Pengumuman akan dikirimkan ke e-mail gmail yang kita daftarkan.
Itulah salah satu teknik atau cara bikin duit di internet, yaitu dengan daftar ke Google AdSense. Apabila Blog rekan-rekan diterima oleh Google AdSense maka akan mendapatkan balasan ke e-mail, kurang-lebihnya seperti ini :


Your Google AdSense application has been approved. You'll soon begin to
see relevant Google ads appear on businformation.blogspot.com .

To track the performance of your new Google ads and access more AdSense
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Dan siap-siap untuk mendapat banyak duit.

Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat dan dapat diaplikasikan oleh rekan-rekan Blogger. Kalo masih juga belum diterima oleh Google AdSense, jangan menyerah..... maju terus..... Kuncinya adalah sabar.

Salam Blogger......!!!

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    Manfaat NgeBlog

    Posted by Unknown | Tuesday, May 31, 2011

    NgeBlog adalah salah satu cara untuk memperluas jaringan lewat internet, bukan cuma sekedar nyari temen, tuker-tukeran link, dsb, tapi ternyata dengan NgeBlog bisa juga buat cari duit, Hehehe.....(giliran duit aja pada ijo....). Emang bisa dengan NgeBlog trus dapet duit? Ya bisa lah..... Mungkin sebagian rekan-rekan Blogger udah pada tau bagaimana caranya. Banyak sekali manfaat-manfaat yang bisa kita ambil dengan cara NgeBlog, tergantung kebutuhan kita untuk apa kita bikin Blog.

    Salah satu manfaat yang paling menonjol adalah dengan mendaftar ke google Adsense, sebab salah satu syarat untuk bisa daftar di google Adsense adalah harus punya website atau Blog untuk didaftarkannya. Apa sih google Adsense itu?

    Google Adsense adalah merupakan program yang disediakan oleh google untuk berbagi keuntungan dengan pihak pemilik web/Blog yang dititipi iklan sponsor dari google. Ya..... kira-kira begitu deh pengertiannya. Prinsip kerjanya dengan cara PPC (Paid Per Click) yaitu apabila ada pengunjung web/Blog yang mengclick iklan titipan dari google maka pemilik web/blog tersebut akan dibayar oleh google. Apalagi kalo si pengunjung yang mampir ke web/Blog sampai shurfing lebih jauh lagi (download dari konten iklan yang disediakan oleh google).

    Program yang disediakan oleh google ini sangat spektakuler, sehingga tidak heran kalo banyak sekali para peminatnya. Banyak sumber informasi yang menyatakan tentang pendapatan dari google Adsense ini berkisar $50-$500 per hari pada beberapa orang yang sudah terjun di dalamnya. coba saja anda searching di google tentang "pendapatan google Adsense" dan anda akan menemukan banyak orang yang sudah membuktikannya. Pendaftarannya 100% gratis, tetapi membutuhkan keahlian khusus untuk dapat menikmati program ini. Apa sajakah keahlian khusus itu?? Kita akan bahas pada judul berikutnya.

    Salam Blogger.....!

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    Google opens the wallet

    Posted by Unknown | Monday, May 30, 2011

    As expected, the U. S. Internet giant Google is with partners such as Citibank and MasterCard electronic payment system with mobile NFC (Near Field Communication) is a. The "Google Wallet" (bag) said the service is currently being tested in a field trial was introduced in the U.S. in the summer, the company said. "The mobile phone becomes a wallet, promised manager Stephanie Tilenius Google on Thursday in New York.

    With Google Wallet, which involved U.S. citizens throughout the country to pay with your phone to the terminals provided by MasterCard PayPass system. The NFC chip in mobile broadcast in an area with a guaranteed payment information stored in the chip card holder if the text remains at the terminal. The PayPass system has been used for credit cards with NFC chip.

    To use, first a Google phone with the NFC chip is necessary: the product manufactured by Samsung Nexus S. The Internet company provides a prepaid card payment service can also assist owners initially only to a Citibank Mastercard credit card. Other partners include network operators Sprint and payment services, First Data in the same boat. Google invites other banks or card providers expressly to participate in the system.

    About the payment function will also be able to Google the portfolio belonging to management with a phone application also PIN-protected smart credit cards and loyalty and coupons. The barcode coupons can be scanned and stored as the smartphone in Google's portfolio. In the next transaction at the dealership in question, the bond will be redeemed on demand. Among the first partners are the U.S. trade Department store chain Macy's, retail outlets and American fast food Subway pharmacies Green Wall.

    With the first service it never shows "Google offers" the Internet giant to compete with the negotiation Groupon portal booming. Users will receive special offers directly to your e-mail. "Google Offers" begins in the summer in U.S. cities New York, San Francisco and Portland and then expanded.

    Wireless technology, "Near Field Communication (NFC) has been the longest, and plans for mobile payment systems with this technology are not new. The German railway tests with Touch & Travel" since 2008 NFC system payroll for train travel. The Telekom is working on a mobile payment system with NFC phones. If this is so far announced at Mobile World Congress (MWC) was launched in February this year, but is questionable.

    For though the NFC technology and infrastructure for the services provided long break, mobile payment systems difficult. Despite the NFC was one of the hottest topics of the MWC this year, but they are the NFC phones in our part of an oddity - Google S Nexus is one of those exceptions. But even if all future smartphones to put a chip, is a paid service of a variety of interests and companies to bring under one roof, all of which were wins. This is a serious negotiation can take some time.

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    First lessons of the incident from Sony

    Posted by Unknown | Friday, May 20, 2011

    The Information Policy slowed by Sony after the attack on the Playstation network shows that customers do not trust the security of businesses. Experts call for the company responsible for such attacks.

    How big is the damage, which is why the attack on the Playstation.....

    How big is the damage, which is why the attack on the Playstation Network, Sony is to quantify not sure yet. 100 million user accounts had been disclosed in the incident. The fact that the Japanese IT company has been slow and completely informed about the process itself great harm incurred, is now criticizing security experts.

    Howard Stringer, CEO of Sony, admitted unless they had been on the biggest threat to corporate data. Not only Playstation users, even experts know, but to investigate.

    "We have this problem again and again in this type of attack, we never know what happened, how bad it is, or how the author takes precedence over" complains of Bruce Schneier, security expert. "Everything is opaque, and Sony is particularly difficult to explain some things and then back again."

    Sony is due to its information policy is now faced with several requests and subpoenas from the U.S. Congress from New York Attorney General. Both require information on which the data was stolen and what security measures the company.

    In response to a complaint by the first Congress, the Japanese had declared cloudy, they were in an "extraordinary" situation in which information about the shooting data "to obtain, directly or simply" be. Sony gave some credit in the letter that closed the system network, while its own research staff.

    That was on April 20 was. The attacks were at some point between 17 and 19 April sees, but only on 26 April, Sony said that large amounts of sensitive data that was open.

    In the intervening days, the group had only cryptic explanations of why the Playstation Network is not available. Reading is something like this: "We are aware that some network functions have failed. We will post more information as soon as they are able to do it," said a Sony official journal on 20 April.

    On April 21 the rumor that the investigation would last less. On 22 April was the first time, "said a foreign intrusion in our system" one. On 23 April, Sony said, "the reconstruction of our system in order to improve our additional network infrastructure," and to "provide the additional security system."

    Three days later, on 26 April level, the group finally to a more detailed explanation. Sony confirms the fact that the names, addresses, birth dates, email addresses and other information of registered users of the PlayStation Network and transmission Qriocity media services had been stolen. Customers should be protected in case of identity theft himself, recommended to the Japanese.

    The wrath of the users received the company soon will be felt. This was the comment about "jonabbey" declaration on the PlayStation blog: "It's pretty incredible that this is the first meaningful information that you give us. Many of you reading this blog understand enough of the technology even operate their own Internet services. Too much communication should certainly not be a problem. "

    Also Bruce Schneier agrees. "You need enough information to researchers, but customers can make wise decisions. Companies do not, however, hinted that the clients. They is rather to give more details because the details are shocking."

    The client, there is nothing more than Sony and Citibank, Facebook or Amazon or the mobile operator to trust, Schneier added. "You have no transparency and no control over how secure the company network."

    In the United States can be held liable under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act currently only financial services or authorities for the theft of data. The measures taken recently by the government's legislative initiative on cybersecurity Obama plans to expand the responsibility of critical infrastructure. Melissa Hathaway, in early 2009, U.S. problems Obama's security discussed, advocated and attacks leave the network of Sony covered by law.

    "This is really an opportunity to push through a concept of deterrence, that this law applies to any computer that - for whatever reason - be broken," Hathaway goes a step further. "The law should specify that piracy is illegal, and that the sentence to determine its impact." It is time that the interconnection between the government of all computer systems - whether from governments, businesses or educational institutions - to explain.

    Sony has its PlayStation Network on May 15 from moving again. The attack has caused from April, according to Sony estimates to date in a loss of $ 171 million.

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    How do you regulate cyberspace?

    Posted by Unknown | Thursday, May 19, 2011

    In the often heated debate about what the Internet is permitted and forbidden, sooner or later the topic comes more wonderful than the Internet is not above the law. "No one can disagree. That helps a lot, but no further because this truth is so banal as practical. Banal is because, obviously, theft of money is a crime, whether or not to enter a bank or suppression money line of a foreign account. It is not practical, because they have no indication as to see what the legal rules and competition, then a particular application.

    The Internet knows no boundaries of time and space, however, ask the nationality of its users. Our legal system is based on the classic attributes of sovereignty and territorial sovereignty and human resources that limits our past one hundred years increased understanding of the law to its limits.

    Internet as a multi-layer

    The confusion is not negligible increase by the fact that the Internet does not really exist. The Internet is a network of networks that are connected by the TCP / IP, and other technical standards and codes. And usually these private networks are in turn in different layers. In theory, any of the hundreds of thousands of networks are regulated separately. And for the different layers there are different forms of regulation.

    In short, play in regulating the Internet three layers involved:
    1. protocol layers - in the strict sense, "Internet" with its codes, standards, protocols, IP address and domain name system - the global non-governmental institutions such as the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the International Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), or the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) regulated;
    2. the application layer - these are all services on the Internet through e-commerce to social networking sites - which also is mainly due to national legislation, while even in large part by constitutional law and freedom of expression and protection property and privacy and control.
    The three layers are interconnected and interdependent. And here starts the problem. In fact, there are global in cyberspace, not only jurisdictions in the nation-state conflict on the road, but also a variety of standards and rules that are established by non-state actors worldwide. Cultural diversity of the world in understanding the manipulation of the law does not matter.

    For the development of legally binding national standards, it is not - at least in democracies - is a legitimate parliamentary procedure based on binding international agreements are negotiated as subjects of international law to governments to act. Internet protocols, standards and codes developed and developing countries, but not "from above" in the discourse of the deputies, but "from below" in the dialogue between those directly affected and involved. While governments and parliaments in the rarest cases are present. More than that, the codes are global, universal and not a physical territory still linked to the nationality of its users. "Rough consensus and running code" is the method used to written since the late 60's the RFC (Request For Comments) for the "Internet Law Book. Now there are about 6,000 such RFC.

    The interesting thing is that it is non-state protocols, codes and standards not only across borders but also a lasting work that people expect of state laws and international treaties can not always claim.

    Such as John Postel developed the Domain Name System and the top-level domain (TLD) "." Delegates, did this "handshake" on the basis of the RFC. Parliament, government or political parties in the Federal Republic of Germany did not participate in this delegation. From the November 5, 1986, with authorization from the U.S. government, the ccTLD registry made the domain zone files. The IANA database and has Virginia in the United States standing A root server is probably not a single member of the German Bundestag said. And that was good. For. In is working fine. No one could have predicted then that will be in the dozens. Com names 25 years later more than 14 million domains registered. DENIC, not state, as a network that has achieved this growth without any problem and is the world's largest ccTLD now one of the greatest players in the Internet world. So what?

    The policies of the Regional Internet Registries (RIR), which (for Europe, RIPE NCC in Amsterdam) to assign IP addresses to the registrars and ISPs, does a solution negotiated by governments, international treaties (such as distribution of telephone numbers with country and city codes), but on the basis of RFCs which are approved by the IETF. And it works effectively.

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    If you exhibit at trade shows? Why are you doing? Because the competition is there and they can hardly afford not to be present? To maintain the brand image? To find new customers? In order to make sales?

    One thing is certain: A fair is too expensive and labor intensive to use non-direct.

    Behavior of state personnel decisions

    If the type of family? Walking through the show moves into the luxury cabins, where the government employs people and she seems to be that while visitors are still exclamation point, but then go fast. The higher the level, the more one gets the impression that employees are in groups together, instead of reaching potential customers. But people who represent the company to date, the fair successful. The most beautiful stand is useless if visitors feel welcome, not welcome.

    The alpha and omega of success in the show is therefore thorough preparation booth personnel. First, it is a conference of the objectives of fair trade. Employees must know what is expected of them all. It is often used to measure cold calling, and that personal contact on a support are clear benefits compared to a cold call. In this case, it is necessary to establish as many contacts in no time. Your staff should Ansprechtechniken good.

    Success: Precise and questions focused

    Especially when you make mistakes in touch. The initial question stereotypical, "I can help you?" is trivial and often automatically answer "no, let's look around." Precise and focused questions, to be replaced. Each employee has been with the company and in a few words, so imagine that the visitor is curious and is survived by his contact details for further talks. This is an elevator pitch call, which can be prepared and practiced.

    It is true that, one day at the cabin can be very exhausting. But it can be fun and motivating work if employees can combine the results.

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    7 reasons for a new variable pay model sales

    Posted by Unknown | Sunday, May 15, 2011

    Traditional variable compensation schemes increasingly successful, the employee within the meaning of the company in significant and sustainable goals and align them to motivate a committed performance. Even cosmetic procedures for the existing compensation model does not usually lead to success. There are many indications of a radical change to a new compensation system.

    How modern traditional sales compensation?

    Traditional compensation systems are usually focused almost exclusively on a performance criterion (eg, sales or gross margin) and ignoring other important aspects (income and expenses, product objectives and customer, etc..) For They are usually boring, as it has for the performance of the employee base of income distribution variable in terms of efficiency. Additional services are worth little. Besides that equities tend to be too low to be motivating or are too high and therefore inadmissible for a labor law perspective.

    In addition, classic pay based on performance is concentrated in sales only in the field and possibly the office staff, while the modern remuneration in the areas of personnel for many integrated (product management, services call center, purchasing, logistics, etc..) traditional compensation systems usually have no preference for equipment: You pay only the performance of individuals. The networks are not carried out.

    They are often reimbursed by chance that the actual performance of employees: large field potentials, large customers, large orders often lead to unwanted, etc (and unjust) "explosion of income. " Moreover, conventional payment systems usually can not be new responsibilities in sales and establish new market demands without changing the treaties. They are so inflexible.

    Paid by commissions usually have. Would be correct, the payment of bonuses, which focus on the "fog of good performance."

    What expectations should be directed to a modern compensation system sales?

    1. Easier and better achievement of corporate and marketing objectives: they marry modern payment systems, employees and equipment in differentiated targets, such as such as short-term sales and profit contribution, but also long term, such as the promotion of strategic customers and products. Self-control and responsibility of employees to improve, and that his authority in making decisions.
    2.  High commitment of the employees of more and better services: a model works well designed variable pay compensation curves with the clouds. This means that the employee may suddenly increase their income with very good performance up to 30%. This is to increase revenue, but is not guaranteed permanent income, and the next year, new performance targets set.
    3. The yield on the company's situation improves. The companies have to pay their employees focused and generating demonstrable results better. The reasons for this are clear definitions of the objectives of better management and control of personnel increased incentives for superior performance in a greater identification with the marketing objectives in a better focus on revenue and cost items, and review components of strategic power. Experience has shown that the conversion pays for a new compensation system in a few months.
    4. The orientation distribution team is established by the compensation system. Through the services of personnel from various divisions in the compensation system (offices, services, product management, development, etc), many people gather. Business interests against departmental interests. A goal-oriented collaboration is encouraged.
    5. Fast and flexible adaptation to market changes: well-designed variable compensation plans are designed to allow contracts of part of trust with employees and works one can conclude that the compensation scheme, but on the contrary, the content is always adapted to the tasks and objectives can present. This will ensure that more real interests of the Company are paid and not those who were present yesterday.
    6. he management of crisis situations improved. If, as many employees of the company are included in variable compensation plans, the cost increases flexibility in the company. This is a significant decrease in average personnel costs in times of crisis and thus a better conditioning of the company. In the phases of prosperity and may increase staff costs and have to hold up well.
    7. Attracting qualified new employees, which was to be gained from overseas is increasing. Making employees feel an attractive remuneration system energized by the performance pay.

    Well-designed compensation plans to help create competitive advantages and exploit the market potential. Join the folks over at the right targets and develop a high performance culture. They are also attractive to good employees - even those who still have not earned the job market.

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    Entrepreneurs in the portrait: Reinhold Würth

    Posted by Unknown | Saturday, May 14, 2011

    Reinhold Würth is a German businessman. He built in 1945 on his parents founded trading company Würth Screw the global market leader in fastening and assembly technology.

    Würth (1935, Württemberg was born in Öhringen) took over the age of 21 years the family business. Würth father died when his son was 19 years. The acquisitions of the company by his son Reinhold Würth took place at the time of his majority. Würth was appointed by his father in 1949 as an apprentice. At this time, he was the second employee of the company.

    From a family business to a global actor

    Today the company Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG Germany more than 5,000 employees. Of domestically generated annual sales in 2009 amounted to almost 1.1 million euros. Total assets of the company was recognized with more than 2.8 million euros, of which almost 2.2 million euros to economic equity.

    The parent company is active today with 400 companies worldwide in over 80 countries and employs 58,000 people. Annual sales in 2009 amounted to over 7 million euros.

    Reinhold Würth is said to have a unique corporate culture. The optimism, dynamism, respect for employees and their benefits, and work actively to the customer are considered by the Würth company itself as the dominant culture and our success. Würth was removed in 1994 for the operational management of the company. From 1994 to 2006 was chairman of the Advisory Board.

    Promoting art and culture

    From 1999 to 2003, Würth h.c. Professor Director of the Institute for Entrepreneurship at the University of Karlsruhe. Würth has always emerged as the patron of the arts and culture. He was convinced that he can motivate people through art.

    In 2008, he founded the business 13 museums. Examples include the Museum of screws and threads in Künzelsau and the Kunsthalle Würth in Schwäbisch Hall. The art of Würth Collection of the largest private art collections in the world and are displayed alternately in different museums.

    Würth company's success helped him considerable wealth. Reinhold Würth's assets is estimated by Forbes magazine, known to U.S. $ 5.3 million. These are the richest German Würth eighth and is in the list of richest people in the world 132nd Place.

    Tax questions about Würth

    In 2008 it was announced that since the 2006 investigation of Würth and others in the research environment was due to fraud. It opened a case against Würth, whose attitude toward it agrees. Würth against a financial penalty was issued from 700 daily rates.

    Würth gave as the reason for the approval of the financial penalty that is due to the complexity of the situation Expected years of legal disputes because of their age would not endure. He saw through a process of working life for a considerable reputational risk.

    Würth in 2008 also expressed public criticism of the German tax system and complained of too high a burden for the rich, leading, in his view, a "well-RDA. "

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